Jeanne-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent, David A. Michelson and James E. Walters, (eds.), "ʿAbda — ܥܒܕܐ " in last modified August 17, 2016, ܥܒܕܐ ʿAbdā ʿAbda ʿAḇdā Abda ABDA ('AWDA), Mar Abda 7 male 420 Martyr ʿAbdā was Bishop of Hormizd Ardashir who was martyred during the reign of Yazdegerd I with Afrēm, Jacob, Papa, another Papa, Daduq, and Durtan the learned. The saint is venerated on Mar 31 (East Syrian). ʿAbda is commemorated in Abda, Hasho, Isaac, Ephrem, Papa, Dadouq, Dourtan and Papa (text). Bibliotheca Hagiographica Syriaca 120 Saints Syriaques ABDA ('AWDA), 7 AMS II, 250-53 (fragment) and introduction, IX n° 3 BHO 6 Šuhadā' II, 297-300 Theodoret Hist. eccl. L. Parmentier Leipzig 1911 xxxix.1-11 342-44 Hoffmann Auszüge 34-35 DHGE I, col. 61-62, s.v. 1. Abdas G. Lucchesi BS I, 40-42 East Syrian commemoration on the 31 of March or the 5 of September. BHO 7 Peeters Passion 399-415 La Passion syriaque de Mār ‘Abdā Rabā lʻalmīn = "Maître pour l'éternité": florilège offert à Philippe Gignoux pour son 80e anniversaire Holy women of the Syrian Orient Impetuous Martyrs? The Situation of the Persian Christians in the Last Years of Yazdgard I (419–420) Martyrium in Multidisciplinary Perspective: Memorial Louis Reekmans Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium A Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity Mar Abda